animal massage and movement education center
Is now offering classes in Canine Massage, workshops in Tellington Ttouch and ACE, and much more!
Canine Massage Classes
Sign up for classes at the Animal Massage and Movement Education Centre, our new facility in the beautiful Rideau Lakes region just west of Ottawa!
Next Canine Massage cohort starts April 5 2025 with the course Trust and Relationship Building! Remember to give yourself enough time to complete the 8 hour online segment before in-person class.
Tellington TTouch workshops
Come to AMMEC for instruction and practice in this gentle, effective way of working with your dog!
Next TTouch workshop at AMMEC is May 17 - 18 2025. Led by TTouch Instructor Maryse Perreault, assisted by TTouch practitioner Bev Spotton.
Find out how you can add enrichment to your dog's life, and to your life with your dog!